Tuesday 15 December 2009

Well. This is all abit pants!

As you now know that before I had my son Alfie, I wouldn't think twice about going out dressed in next to nothing. It's no wonder that I was constantly ill with chest infections and the like. However, you always know best when your young.
The way I portray myself may not come across in a good way on my part, but in all fairness I didn't ever sleep around. I was just a fun-loving girl who was proud of her body and very expressionate of her feminimity. I was a new age hippy if you like. I was in love with music, partying, meeting new people and just having fun.

Some of the things I used to wear however. People used to give me some right funny looks and I used to love it! I loved being different. It made me feel good about myself to be abit risque and stand out from the crowd. I look back now and although I have some great memories, my chosen attire from back in them days made me look like I was auditioning for the Circus.

I remember them days. So free. I didn't have to think of how to hide all my lumps and bumps. Getting dressed to go out was such a simple walk in the park. I use to own lots of cute little thongs which I would team with my outfits. I felt so free. I would never have to wear them big Bridget Jones' style pants!Not me!Never!
Oh how things change...

So Ive been through the whole having a baby, sleepless nights, getting back to some kind of normality, getting obsessed about the gym and then not bothering because it's nearly christmas yadda yadda milarky and I am now, well, Im just me again. Im the normal me inside my head again as I've settled into my role as a parent now. I do things single-handedly without even thinking whereas before I couldn't even carry Alfie downstairs for the first few weeks for fear of falling and dropping him. (How irrational? I mean, the last time I fell over without being drunk was when I was a child) My point is, im starting to feel like me again but, guess what? My body isn't the old me. It's the new, post baby me even though it looks like an older version of me because im, well, lets say gravity hasn't been kind to my body.
I never, ever thought I would say this but this whole story is another point to why I have changed as a mummy. I WEAR BIG PANTS! They are an absolute godsend. They take inches off of my waist and make me look slimmer in my LBD.
I do not care anymore if I can't get into my little cute french knickers. (Well I can get into them with a shoehorn but they don't look too crash hot!) As for the whole physical side of my relationship well I've come to the conclusion that If my body isn't appreciated for what it's been through then that's really not my problem.

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